Smart Crete Floors

X200 Densi-Proof

15 Litres

A single pack one application spray on system that deeply penetrates new or old concrete, provides permanent waterproofing, curing and protection. X200 Densi-Proof™ conforms to the moisture suppressant requirements as per AS1884-2012

X200 Densi-Proof is an internal water barrier that sets up a permanent gel within the capillaries and voids. Applied as 100% colloidal liquid it penetrates deeply into concretes matrix reacting with the alkali left over after hydration (calcium hydroxide) and the unhydrated or partially hydrated cement particles promoting production predominantly of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) and 100% colloidal silicate, permanent, complete gel. In effect it makes the concrete structure impermeable giving integrity and longevity.

PLEASE NOTE: Over burnishing the concrete will impede the penetration of X200 Densi-Proof.


Forms a permanent internal moisture barrier in the concrete, eliminating the risk of moisture compromising floor coverings, coatings, adhesives and sealers
Cures, Densifies, Hardens and Waterproofs concrete up to 200mm
Ideally applied as a cure at time of pour by spray
Can be applied to existing if clean and porous
Acts as an internal moisture barrier for Floor coverings and Topical Coatings
Application of Vinyl & Topical Coatings 2 weeks after pour or next day on existing
Complies with AS1884-2012 Floor Coverings-Resilient Sheet & Tiles – Installation Practises
Environmentally Friendly & HACCP Certified – Low Odour – 0.0g/l VOC
A 15 year warranty can be provided with a project specification. Product must be applied by a trained applicator (training complimentary)