Smart Crete Floors

Bluedog Protective Coatings FLOORS

1L, 2L, 4L & 15L

One of the leading causes of renovation, construction or building related injuries are “SLIPS, TRIPS & FALLS”.

Don’t risk your safety….or the safety of tradespeople on your property because:-

-Old fashion rolls of plastic become very slippery when wet / muddy and are

Timber boards when not fixed properly or misaligned are trip hazards and are

Sheets of cardboard taped down can become a trip hazards and are

Our coatings adhere to the flooring surface and protect the floors against damage from mud, dirt, marks, stains & scratched floors ( nails, screws, dropped tools etc. ). It will also offer protection from other renovation situations like concrete splashes (during pouring), metal shavings, screws and nails, grout and paint spills. It can be applied to a wide range of flooring surfaces including:-

Floor Tiles

Sealed marble, ceramic, porcelain, flagstone, quarry, Mexican / terracotta, agglomerate, terrazzo. Grout joints must be cured prior to application.

Timber Flooring

Polished durability class 1, 2 & 3. Durability class 4 may also be coated however the wood must be fully sealed, lacquered and cured prior to application. Floor sealer must be cured prior to application of Blue Dog Protective Coatings® FLOOR, this may take several weeks as the carrier solvents from the floorboard coating needs to evaporate for correct curing.

Concrete (internal)

Cured and unpitted concrete (for example garage floors). Polished concrete and epoxy coated flooring surfaces. Ensure sealer is cured prior to application of Blue Dog Protective Coatings® FLOOR.

Other surfaces

We strongly recommend testing a small test amount of our product in a discrete area prior to beginning your full flooring project to ensure you are satisfied there is no residue from our coatings.

Bluedog Protective Coatings® FLOOR is NOT RECOMMENDED for any unsealed / porous substrates.